Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

biology microbody

Micro Board

A.Sruktur and Spread
Micro entities are small organelles within the cell with a diameterof berfariasi, an average of 400 nm. These organelles were round or oval, webbed membrane unit, and differ in the cytosol.There are in animals and plants, the number of hundreds in the cell. There are 2 groups of micro-entities that contain the enzymecatalase and oxidases are classified in the peroxisomes. Microentity that contains all or part of the cycle enzymes catalase andoxidases besides glikosilat usually called glioksisom.enzimcatalase in peroxisomes catalyze the reform of hydrogenperoxide.

In animal tissues, micro bodies lying scattered but are usuallylocated around the endoplasmic reticulum. In plants,micro-bodies are often found adjacent to the chloroplast. In animals, numerous peroxisomes in the liver and kidneys.Glioksisom is only found in plant cells, such as the aleurone layer of grains

B.The function of micro-entities
function of micro-entities on the network so that berfariasiberfariasi anyway. The functions of certain micro entities areoverlapping reactions. Micro body functions such as:

1.cell protection against high toxic properties of Oxygen
2.compartmentalization purine and pyrimidine metabolism and the breakdown of D-amino
3.konfersi glukoneogenik from fats to sugars
4.formation of glycine and serine is a precursor for the synthesis ofC1 that are essential      for nucleic acid biosynthesis
5.growth regulation in plants by consuming the excess of reducing power (NADPH)
C.Micro Agency (peroxisome and Glioksisom)

Micro Agency (peroxisomes and glioksisom) contain an enzyme which is the venue for the oxidation process. Agencymicro crystals contain protein and endoplasmic reticulum arealways closely linked. Peroxisomes present in animal cells orplant cells. Peroxisome-containing catalysts. There are sixcatalyst that acts as a catalyst in hydrogen decipher.

Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of oxidation of cells andtoxic or poisonous nature. Oxidation plays a role in metabolic processes that produce peroksin and into the water.Peroxisomes in animals is widely available in the liver andkidney cells, whereas in plants located in various cells.Glioksisom is only found in plant cells, for example in thealeurone grains. Aleurone cells is only found in proteins orcrystals contained in the vacuole.

Peroxisome is a bag that has a single membrane.Peroxisomes contain various enzymes and the most typical is the enzyme catalase. Serves to catalyze the reform of catalasehydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide is a product ofcell metabolism that could potentially harm the cell.Peroxisomes also play a role in changing fat intocarbohydrate. Peroxisomes present in plant cells and animal cells. In animals, numerous peroxisomes in the liver andkidneys, while in plants there peroxisomes in various cell types.

Glioksisom is only found in plant cells, such as the aleuronelayer of grains. Aleurone is a form of protein or crystalscontained in the vacuole. Glioksisom often found in fat storagetissue of seeds that germinate. Glioksisom contain fat into sugar-converting enzyme. The process of change to generate the energy needed for germination.

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